"Boston's Marathon Bombing"
Click on picture for a free pdf of my book, "Boston's Marathon Bombing: What Can Law Do?" The paperback copy can be purchased for $15 from Lulu.com and Amazon.
Note: This book is a revised edition of a book previously entitled "The Soul of Boston and the Marathon Bombing." That book is on the shelf at Boston Public Library.
A Canadienne bought the court transcript and generously shares them at weebly.com, under the name: "The Boston Marathon Bombings: What Happened?"
The following amazing statement is by the late Robert David Steele, who was a counsel at the International Tribunal for Natural Justice. He was formerly a CIA agent. He said:
“I managed a false flag event for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in my capacity as a Clandestine Operations Officer stationed overseas. I have personal experience with ‘legalized lying’ whereby ostensible orders ‘from the highest authorities’ mandate lying to the Court and lying to the media and the public, in support of national security objectives. Individuals ordered to lie are offered both full immunity and severe penalties if they fail to lie as ordered.”
1. Fact: Naked-Man Video Proves Tamerlan Survived
2. Fact: The Death of Sean Collier Is an Open Case
3. Fact: Defense Team in Russia Made Mafia-like Threats
4. Fact: Dun Meng Was Not Carjacked by the Brothers
5. Fact: The “White Hat” Video Was Filmed in Arizona
6. Fact: Good Witnesses Were Harassed, SAMs Imposed
7. Fact: Jahar’s Boat Confession and Apology Are Bogus
8. Fact: Tsarnaev’s Trial Is Reminiscent of Scottsboro’s
9. Fact: A Backpack Cannot Change Its Stripes
10. Fact: Laurel St Involved John Doe, Billy, and Stripey
11. Conclusion to Part One: There Is No Case To Answer
12. Introduction to Part Two – What Can Law Do?
13. McCoy Rule Means Jahar Walks, but Does He Know?
14. Blackstone Listed Crimes against Justice, in 1769
15. Law Says Inquests for Tamerlan, John Doe, Collier
16. Muslims’ Civil Rights Are Protected by USC 1983
17. Federal Gov’t Can’t Dictate to the States: Printz v US
18. Congress Can Impeach US District or Circuit Judges
19. Ruling in Brady Mandates Exculpatory Evidence
20. Media Officers Can Be Indicted for Many Crimes
21. Marathon Criminals Are Ready To Be Nabbed
22. Profiling the FBI: Would They Plant a Bomb?
23. Conclusion to Part Two: The Law Still Works
NOTE: A Canadienne bought the court transcript and generously shares them at weebly.com, under the name: "The Boston Marathon Bombings: What Happened?"